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About Financial Administration Portal

The Financial Administration Portal provides central and unified access to information resources and services of tax offices and customs offices. The public can on the portal obtain information, advice, instructions, descriptions, but also electronically communicate through the portal with the Financial Administration.

The purpose of the portal is to create a space for the public to fulfill legal obligations in the tax and duties field and also has the ambition to be a source of necessary information for understanding the tax and customs issues. The portal all information and services integrates, and provides it in comprehensible and accessible form to the public.

Among the most important tasks of the portal belongs directing the user to a specific electronic service of the public administration using relevant information sources.

Portal content includes supporting information on the use of services and the provision of electronic services. The concept of portal content follows the following principles:

  • organization of information and services under the situation in life
  • distribution of information content by the type of entity